Steel Detailing Services

We provide structural steel and Misc. Detailing Services with accuracy to steel contractors, PEMB contractors, developers, builders and general contractors.

Get started with our steel detailing services

Bidding Professionals LLC possess a dedicated team of steel detailers who can execute more than 3000 tons of structural and miscellaneous steel detailing in a month. For the last 7 years, we have been working with steel fabricators, erectors, structural engineers and steel contractors covering all types of residential, commercial and industrial projects.  

We use premium software like Tekla Structures, Revit and Advance Steel for steel detailing maintaining the finest quality. Our steel detailing includes all types of beams, columns, joists, angles, bracings, stairs, railings, etc.

Our Process of Construction Estimating

The process of construction estimating is simple. Once we have the construction material quantity then we are ready for cost estimation. We calculate the construction cost of each and every corresponding line item using RSMeans. RSMeans is a highly accurate construction cost database by which we can get the changing market prices of construction materials. Construction estimators get the prices of labor and materials along with the productivity of the labor from RSMeans. Additionally, our field engineers get the on-field productivity of the labor and calculate the real-life productivity to increase the profit margin of the contractor. The detailed construction cost estimating services are performed with everything broken down to show each minor detail to the client.

Different Types Of Construction Cost Estimates

1. Construction Cost Budget Estimate

Construction Cost Budget Estimate Is Generally Prepared In Initial Stages To Calculate The Approximate Cost Of The Project. Budget Estimate, Also Called As Preliminary Cost Estimate, Is Calculated After Comparison With A Similar Project While Keeping Small Details In Mind. The Cost Of Each Line Item Mentioned Exclusively Helps To Prepare A Detailed Estimate Efficiently.

2. Per SF Cost Estimate

In This Type Of Estimate, The Cost Estimator Calculates The Per Square Foot Rate Of Each And Every Line Item After Determining The Covered Area Of The Project. The Square Foot Rate Is Dependent On The Location Of The Project, Labor Rate In The Specific State, The Crew Size And The Productivity Of The Labor.

3. Revised Cost Estimate:

Revised Construction Cost Estimate Is Also A Type Of Detailed Estimate And It Is Prepared If There Is A Significant Difference In The Sanctioned Value And The Estimated Value Of The Project. The Difference May Occur Due To Changing Market Rates Of Material Or Transportation. The Reason To Revise The Estimate Is Usually Mentioned At The End Of The Revision.

4. Supplementary Cost Estimate

Supplementary Cost Estimate Is Also A Detailed Estimate Which Is Prepared When The Project Plans Are Updated With Additional Work Demands. It Consists Of The Last Detailed Estimate As Well As The Additional Detailed Estimate For Which Sanction Is Required.

5. Detailed Cost Estimate

After The Approval Of Preliminary Estimates, The Owner Of The Project Is Ready To Receive The Detailed Cost Estimates From The Bidders. This Is The Most Accurate, Well Organized And Competitive Type Of Estimate. Each And Every Trade Is Broken Down In All The Required Items And Calculated Separately With 3% To 5% Contingencies Added As Miscellaneous Expenditures.

Why Choose Bidding Professionals for Construction Estimating Service

  • We have a team of 30+ experienced construction estimators who can handle a large volume of estimation jobs at a time.
  • We can help our clients submit more bids on time.
  • We can meet short deadlines.
  • Our prices are affordable.
  • With the help of premium software like RSMeans and PlanSwift, we can ensure accuracy and error-free estimates.
  • We are available 24/7 to answer any of the client’s queries.
  • Our post-project support team is one of the best in the field.

We Offer Construction Cost Estimating Services To:

We offer construction cost estimating services to General Contractors, Sub Contractors, Investors, Developers, Architects, Designers, Owners and Builders to provide them with accurate cost estimates.

GCs and Subcontractors

We provide construction cost estimating services and quantity takeoff to General Contractors and Subcontractors covering each and every trade. Location specific material and labor pricing data helps us make accurate estimates for Subcontractors and General Contractors.

Architects and Designers:

We are capable of reading schematic designs and prepare design estimates for architects and designers. We are well experienced with all types of residential, commercial and industrial delivering accurate design estimates to our clients.

Our Offerings in Construction Estimation

Dedicated Construction Cost Estimator

We provide a dedicated construction cost estimator depending on the trades requirement of the contractor for both types of onscreen and offscreen construction cost estimation. The estimator can be hired on an hourly basis or on a project basis. The accuracy of the estimate and quality of work has never been compromised at Bidding Professionals.

Monthly Construction Estimating Packages For Preoccupied Contractors and Estimators

Our monthly construction cost estimation package works best for preoccupied contractors who don’t have time for the expenses and management of the in-house estimation team. Our monthly package helps the contractor to save both time and money by at least 50%. Outsourcing to us can help you submit more bids on time which will ultimately increase the chances to win more projects. With a team of more than 50 estimators, you can get all services under one roof with no headache of project delay and management issues.

Consultation and Bid Filing

We provide all kinds of free consultations to help our clients get a good idea about construction estimation, all takeoff trades and managing budgets. Not only the consultation but also provide suggestions to flourish your business profile in your respective trade as a contractor and help you generate more leads for your business.

Our Construction Estimating Services in NYC Include

Commercial Construction Estimating

Commercial Construction Estimating requires high accuracy and experienced construction estimators due to its complexity. Our estimates are well organized and accurate while keeping in mind the client’s demands. Our in-depth knowledge of commercial estimating makes us a good competitor to big estimation companies. However, our affordable cost makes us better. We have delivered accurate commercial estimation projects from $10 to several hundred million satisfying our client’s demands. We have prepared competitive bids for Commercial Contractors, GCs and Commercial Developers.

Residential Construction Estimating

Our dedicated construction estimators at Bidding Professionals have served several project owners catering for their residential construction estimating demands. All types of projects from small single-family residence to multi-storey residential buildings are being served at Bidding Professionals. Along with new residential projects, all types of renovation and remodelling cost estimation are also perfectly done by us.

Industrial Construction Estimating

Our industrial construction estimating team in NY ensures accuracy. Each and every necessary detail is mentioned corresponding to each line item. All kinds of industrial projects from small units to complex production plans are being catered at Bidding Professionals LLC. We have extensive experience in preparing estimates for Oil & Gas, Chemical Production Plants, pipelines, Co-Generation, Water and Power Treatment Plants. Along with all the industrial estimations, our portfolio also includes the accurate estimation of highways and roads.

Construction Estimating Services for Public Sector

Bidding Professionals also provide highly accurate construction estimates to contractors associated with the public sector. Comprehensive estimates with detailed description of line items are delivered to the contractors within specified time frame and we categorized trades by CSI division. We have extensive experience working on projects contracted with various public agencies such as:
NYC, SCA, PA of NY and NJ, DDC, DASNY, EDC, DOT, Transit Authority, DOS, DEP.

Why Outsource Construction Cost Estimating Services?

Many of our clients don’t have enough time to do construction cost estimating themselves or manage in-house estimation so they outsource it to the companies like ourselves to better focus on other officials and fieldwork. An ill-managed in-house estimation team can cost short-term and long-term losses so it is better to hire someone like Bidding Professionals who can prepare accurate construction estimates within deadlines. Contractors can submit more bids on time without compromising on the accuracy of the bid. The contractor just needs a few minutes to review the final file and you are ready to go. The complete bid along with the marked plans is delivered by our dedicated estimating team within the time frame. Outsourcing to us can save your time and money by almost 50%.

Benefits Of Working With Us

We are well experienced in all types of commercial, residential and industrial building material takeoffs and cost estimation.

We provide a complete package to our clients covering all the divisions.

We are premium members of RSMeans, ConstructConnect and American Society of Professional Estimators(ASPE).

Our bid format is user friendly and allows the customer to alter any line items easily.

Our prices are competitive and our regular discounts make us more cost efficient.

We are flexible working both offscreen and onscreen construction takeoffs using Bluebeam Revu.

We offer free consultation as well as a free quote to our valuable customers.

We meet short deadlines to allow customers to submit more bids on time.

We offer discounts to our regular clients and do one revision for free(T&C apply).

Working with us on project basis helps the customer to save office and salary expenses of in-house estimators.

Our Experience With Construction Cost Estimating Services

Projects Of All Sizes, From Small Shops To Huge Commercial Towers Are Entertained At Bidding Professionals. We Have Experience Working On More Than 800 Projects With More Than 300 Satisfied Customers. We Provide Detailed Estimates To The Clients After Thoroughly Working On The Plans Using BlueBeam Revu And Preparing An Estimate On MS Excel.

Win More Bids With Accurate Quantity Takeoffs

Bidding Accuracy And Work Productivity Can Be Achieved With Precise, Organized And Timely Quantity Takeoffs, Eventually Increasing Profit Margin. Bidding Professionals Helps The Clients To Submit More Bids On Time. Our Bid Format Allows The Client To Add, Remove Or Alter Any Line Items With Changing Demands.

Construction Estimating Software We Use

Different softwares are used for different purposes:

  • Bluebeam Revu and Planswift are used for reading and marking the project plans.
  • RSMeans is used for cost analysis according to different states.
  • MS Excel is used to put the quantities and cost in and prepare the final file for the client.

100% Accuracy Guaranteed

Our Proven Strategies that makes us apart from the market

Frequently Asked Questions
